Article 47 of Law 2155 of 2021 establishes the termination by mutual agreement of the administrativecomunicaciones11 oct 20211 Min. de lecturaBy: Mazars The tax reform by means of article 47 determined the termination by mutual agreement of the administrative processes. You also will find the requirements and benefits of this norm. Find more information in the following documentFull article here
By: Mazars The tax reform by means of article 47 determined the termination by mutual agreement of the administrative processes. You also will find the requirements and benefits of this norm. Find more information in the following documentFull article here
Un indicador de la Fed hace saltar las alarmas: el 'efecto Trump' hunde en picado la economía de EEUU
Valle del Cauca, primer departamento en certificar a estudiantes en procesos formativos duales inspirados en el modelo suizo